Should you quit drinking?
We all love drinking to some degree. It seems it is an integral part of our lives in the culture we live in. It is firmly enmeshed in our lives in some way or another. Alcohol to celebrate, the “God I need a drink days” and the summer day cold beer is an absolute must. All of our movies, TV, books, stories we share with friends, stories our parents told us, we all have alcohol stories. But is it necessary in our lives and just how much damage does alcohol do? Is it worth it? Would we be able to have as much fun without it? With it? Let’s have a look at our lives and see; should we give up drinking?
The hangover
Let’s face it, we’ve all been hungover to some degree or another. Unlike the movies, we rarely wake up married to find a sexy tiger in the bathroom. (er, you can take that literally or figuratively) Read More