…no need to waste it…now an image of young Mary Tyler Moore throwing her hat in the air is going to be stuck in your head all day!
But what I really want to talk about is ROMANCE!
First of all, what does ‘romantic’ even mean? When I think of a romantic, the first thing that pops in my mind is Pepe le Pew, that amorous little skunk who falls in love with everything from a bunny to a cat, as long as it somehow, conveniently has a white streak painted down it’s back. Deus a machina. Let’s face it; some of us are just desperate to be in love.
But how did this notion of romance survive all these years of human evolution, societal changes and now with pornography so easy to access, just what is it about romance that makes us still crave it? Well first of all; it feels good! It colours everything pink and blue and purple and gives us the warm-fuzzies. It makes us feel life is a wonderful adventure and not just drudgery. Is it any wonder I want you all to feel some romance in your day-to day? Read More