March 2017 - Hardline Chat

March 2017 - Hardline Chat

Sexy style

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It’s all in the delivery and often just knowing what to wear to catch the attention of that certain someone, or even some ‘ones’, as the case may be, is the key to success. Here’s some popular suggestions:

I never know what to wear and sometimes my mood is not the right way to dress myself as I end up with a tank top and purple boots with stirrup pants and that isn’t attracting anyone except a psycho or two. While in a chat room looking for local singles, take a poll of your own and see just what clothes are the tops in the opposite sex attractor division!
Here’s what I have found;
What men like to see on other men: Read More


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Cheating and I don’t mean at cards

Have you ever been cheated on? Nothing is more heartbreaking than putting your faith and trust in someone only to find they’ve been putting something much more fleshy into someone else.

How do you deal? The problem is, usually that person is your best friend, confidant and the one you turn to when things go wrong. So who do you discuss things with now?

It’s not the sharing of sex and their body that is so hurtful, it’s the intimacy that they’re sharing that really hurts the most.

So how do you deal with it? Read More