Let’s get something out of the way right now: cosmetics aren’t just for the ladies. The fact of the matter is the beautifying of men is just as important as it is for women. Of course, some of the product concepts may be a little different, but ultimately they work toward the same goal: making you look better. What sorts of cosmetics and beauty products are out there for men, you ask? Wouldn’t you know it, we have five of the most popular listed right here!
What it is: Clarisonic Sonic Skin Cleaning System
What it does: These things basically look and act like buffers. And since buffers are primarily found in the tool sheds of the manliest of men, how can this skin cleaning system not be macho? Basically, the Clarisonic system works to polish away dirt, debris, oil, and other impurities, cleaning your skin up to six times more effectively than if you just used your hands.
Where to nab it: Clarisonic
Link it up: http://www.clarisonic.com/Devices
What it is: Crème de la Mer
What it does: The fact of the matter is we all get old, and it’s argued that the youth of gay culture is hailed even more highly than the youth of women in straight culture. La Mer totes out the big guns with a face and body cream that is advertised as improving the firmness of your skin, as well as minimizing lines, wrinkles, and pores.
Where to nab it: La Mer
Link it up: http://www.cremedelamer.com/product/5811/34432/Gifts/Crme-de-la-Mer-15ml/Ultra-rich-dewy-finish
What it is: Touche Eclat for Men
What it does: Primarily intended as an under-eye concealer, Touche Eclat for Men is specifically designed for a guy’s issues with eye circles, reducing those purple bruises of tired into a darn close match of his skin tone. Nobody will know that you stayed up all night on that business proposal again.
Where to nab it: Yves Saint Laurent
Link it up: http://www.yslbeautyus.com/touche-%C3%A9clat/141YSL.html?dwvar_141YSL_color=1%20Luminous%20Radiance
What it is: Facial Fuel SPF 15
What it does: Just like fatigue can give you circles under your eyes, it can also destroy your skin. Tiredness can make it sag, give you stress lines, and become dull. With Facial Fuel, you not only can bring back some of your inner light, but also protect yourself from the sun’s rays with its SPF. (Because you really should be wearing sunscreen every day to stop premature aging of your skin.)
Where to nab it: KIEHL’S
Link it up: http://uk.spacenk.com/facial-fuel-spf-15/MUK200004800.html
What it is: ClarinsMen Fatigue Fighter
What it does: What’s with us and being tired, right? But Fatigue Fighter is another product specifically designed for men’s skin and the tolls it can take from getting rundown by life. Not only does it turn back the clock by energizing and firming your skin, it also helps soothe and repair daily damage from shaving, which is something every beardless guy needs in order to save his muzzle.
Where to nab it: Clarins
Link it up: http://www.clarins.co.uk/clarinsmen-fatigue-fighter/C070300001.html