Great Dates in the morning…or afternoon…or evening
Are you in the winter blahs? Looking for some great date ideas? It’s still February and the big V day is over and now what? Time to fire up your imagination and get some excitement in your love life. When on chat rooms looking for local singles, ask the question; “what is your idea of a great date”?
You will certainly stir up some interesting conversation.
I’m sure many men will give you the tired old getting laid as fast as possible answer but truthfully that is boring! We are sophisticated animals, capable of great feats of imagination. Why not stretch your romantic legs? Spread the wings of love? Or at least lay down a plush carpet of lust?
You deserve better than fast food sex!
A friend recently told me that people who know what they want, get what they want.
So, what do you want? An exciting and stimulating dating and romantic life or a plain old get on and get off fast food life?
There are so many ideas for dates. As many different kinds of dates as there are kinds of people. So with that being said here are some terrific date ideas for you to push through the doldrums and into the realm of excitement, fun and romance that you should be living.
Take care kiddies and always be prepared to be swept off your feet by a torrential downpour of love…by which I mean…carry a pack of little raincoats!
But never give in to your passions too soon. That can often lead to disappointment in yourself and what might’ve been. You owe it to yourself to pull back and just relish the connection. First enjoy flirting, sexting, chatting on the phone etc. Stoke the fires of attraction until you have a full-blown heat!