Say that ten times fast, betcha can’t! lol well tongue twisters aside, being single can seem like a life twister too. For some unfathomable reason, people have a hard time seeing each other single.
Why it’s almost as if, well if one of us has the courage to make up our own mind about our own life and most especially our own relationship status, then it must mean that the paired up among us are what? Too easily influenced by others and DON’T have the courage to make their own decisions in life? hmm? Could that be the real reason we get hounded at every family gathering, Christmas party etc. asking about whether or not we’ve found someone to leave stinky, balled-up socks under our beds?
Just how much of our relationship status is dependent on peer/parental pressure? Not to mention good ol’ society as a whole.
Traditionally it has been the role of the human being to pair up and stay that way and raise little tax-payers. But this is the age of enlightenment and it’s time to live life that way you want it. Quantum physics teaches us that there are infinite possibilities when we aren’t looking and only one when we look right at it. Meaning if all you are shown is one route, that’ is the route you will take, when, just on the periphery of your vision, there are so many unexplored paths! Choosing your own does indeed take courage but don’t you deserve the right to live your life as you want? Within the confines of the law of course J (Editor making me say that!)
Being single is a glorious state of being for the self-confident but also for the self-exploring. Certainly you must love yourself and know yourself first before paring up with someone else. The journey to you is as fun and exciting as any journey can be. I love travelling alone. The choice of where to go, to whom I can speak, what to do, what to eat, all up to me and no one to please but myself. Imagine life that way! When someone poses that tired old question about being single, just tell them you are getting to know yourself first. You are not just going to settle for the first person who wants you just to please someone else.
These are some of my favourite things about living alone (when I lived alone!)
1 King sized bed all for me!
2 The only disgusting, stinky, balled-up socks under the bed are mine. unless they were left there by an overnight guest. In which case I just throw them out! Which brings me to the next point…
3 Hook-ups….nuff said about that one, it is a way to sometimes get free socks!
4 Mo Money, my money is all for me!
5 Farting….no one needs to know whether or not I actually do it…which I definitely DON’T!
6 Hobbies, OK, so I like to make Adventure Time characters out of plasticene! I don’t need anyone judging me on that!
7 Friends! This is a big one. I love my friends and maybe they are weird but I love weird! I hate having to justify my friend’s behavior to my sig-other. I also hate asking if they can come over.
8 Ice cream and chips…yes I eat them sometimes, sometimes I just might dip one into the other…just saying….my ice cream, my chips, my money, my place!
9 I love yous
Sometimes I don’t want to say it right after you do. I’m not a parrot. I will say it when I feel it or maybe never. I certainly say it to my dog a lot!
And that brings me to my favourite reason to stay single-
10 MY DOG! Or whatever pets you have. I can have him on the bed, in the car, in the darned shower if he wants to go in there and no one can tell me not to!
Well Kiddies, that’s my take on singleness and just living your life the way you want in general. Always listen to your own mind and please yourself first….as long as you are never rude! I hate rude.