Approaching strangers can be incredibly difficult for many of us. We tend to get very self-conscious, wondering how the person will read us and what conclusions they’ll draw based on the assumptions of our appearance. Read More
Approaching strangers can be incredibly difficult for many of us. We tend to get very self-conscious, wondering how the person will read us and what conclusions they’ll draw based on the assumptions of our appearance. Read More
Let’s get something out of the way right now: cosmetics aren’t just for the ladies. The fact of the matter is the beautifying of men is just as important as it is for women. Read More
Ahh… kissing. It’s a beautiful thing. It should have its own holiday, be encouraged to end all wars, become an Olympic sport. For those of us who are well-versed in its ways, making out can be our favorite pastime. But for those who aren’t yet learned, Read More
The world is certainly full of material possessions on which you can easily blow your hard-earned cash. And you’re more than welcome to do so if they’re things you want to have around. Read More
Happy New Queer! The new year has arrived and you know what that means, right? New men to fill your dance card! But it’s not all fun and games if you can’t do it right? Yes, we’re judging you, but we swear it’s out of love. Check out how to attract more gay men below. Read More
I love books. They’re good entertainment, great fiber and keep me from having to talk to people in public. They also can be quite perceptive and entertaining in the gay world. With technology where it is these days, just about anybody can publish a book. And with that freedom comes the explosion of topics, giving the gay community more opportunity to be represented and heard. Check out our top 5 books every gay guy should read and see what you think. Read More
Properly caring for body hair isn’t exactly a new concept in gay world, yet not many people seem to do it. I’m not talking about completely hairless, baby smooth physiques. Those aren’t necessary unless you want it, and that’s usually because you’re either a body builder or an underwear model. So for the vast majority of us, we’re keen on some simple quality control deforestation. You don’t need to be hairless, just tamed. This goes for everything from beards to toe hair. It’s simply polite to keep your hair in check, you know? If you expect it with someone else, then you should be doing the same. So let’s tackle the usual methods of hair removal and how to decide which is right for you. Read More
Just because it’s winter and you’re single doesn’t mean you should let yourself go. Look, we know it’s cold out there and you want to keep the extra fur for hibernation reasons. But come on, you can also generate a lot of heat through sex. And you’re likely to get laid more frequently if you pretty up your swatch. With that said, here’s our guide to manscaping: Read More
We’re going to get a little science-y here for a minute. There have been countless studies running around telling people that straight ladies swoon over deep-voiced men because they just know it means such men will be good breeders. Bleh. We don’t have to go into all the problems of those findings and how those studies were conducted, do we? And don’t get me started on the concept of attraction in the whole nature vs. nurture debate. There’s only one true, sure fire thing we can deduce about men’s voices. Basically, the pitch of a man’s voice largely derives from the amount of male sex hormone he has in his system: good ol’ testosterone. The more testosterone he has, the more likely he will have a deeper voice and larger physique. Does that make him more masculine? Nah, it just makes him more of the trope of masculinity. There are lots of ways to be a man. But I digress. Here are five things you can tell about a man just by hearing his voice.
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First dates are scary. Not the obvious booty calls and one-nighters, but the guys with which you really want to make a good impression. The guys you want to stick around. The first rule to make that happen is to be yourself; but duh, we all should know that one by now. If that advice isn’t enough for you, consider these other little jewels on how to prepare for a first date to help ensure your date is a successful one. Read More