Hope I am not putting on the pressure (but some of you LIKE that! *wink*)
But we’ve less than two weeks to the big day of romance and what to buy? Even when searching Chat lines for local singles, I am sure a lot of people are asking the same question; What do i get for Valentine’s gifts?
Have no fear, I’ve some interesting ideas that will seal the deal or make you his hero!
I adore this gift, and what better way to keep you in his mind and…quite literally…his hand all the time? Stop your dirty thoughts, bad boys… I am talking about this adorable personalized phone case!
$44 and up at toast.com
These are on the butch side but also kitsch, so it appeals to every angle of the complete gay man!
For the man that loves the smell of alcohol, these candles would make the perfect gift. Get the sensory experience of bourbon without the calories (or the buzz) :).
$29 Etsy.com
Make out pillow for pushing a new love in the right direction or just keeping your current love on the right wavelength. There’s something to be said for a direct message. Here it is!
$40 etsy.com
This is soooo sexy! and affordable too.
This is a meaningful gift for a guy whose strength has always been impressive, who honors his commitments, and who has a style that’s both masculine and worldly. It’s a handcrafted work of art from Indonesia.
$62.99 @ NOVICA.com
Sexy underwear…
yes maybe it’s cliched but I prefer to say classic. Sexy underwear are always welcome. Go for quality and get a few more wears out of them than just this Valentine’s Day at www.abcunderwear.com/valentinesday.html
the tighty Whitey Kiss me briefs
or the Be My Valentine (who wouldn’t?) brief
prices from $15 and up
Have fun my boys and remember Love is the answer….but if you don’t feel like asking the question, settle for lust!